Our Church Photo Gallery is a visual journey through the life of Family Life Church. Each photograph captures the essence of our community’s spirit, from tranquil moments of prayer to vibrant celebrations of faith. Browse through our gallery and witness the stories that make our fellowship a family.

Ladies Conference WAR ACTC We had a powerful day of ministry, games, worship and victory.We Are Remnant-WAR, A Call To Action-ACTC

Impact Teens raising money for their missions trip

Fun games with Leadership

Work day, even little ones get involved.

Some of our Kid Force kiddos having fun at Altitude Trampoline Park.

Powerful picture taken as Greg Laster was putting the light in the steeple. Look at the reflection of the hands. The Lord is always helping us.

Kid Zone Kids singing a song for the congregation.

Pastor Larry helping hold the flag in place as the Medal of Honor motorcade went by.

Visiting with one of FLC’s Senior.

Laurette Laster and Martha Morrse relaxing after the first Celebrate Recovery Graduation